Wordpress Database Optimization Tips 2014 August

Wordpress database optimization tips 2014 august

WordPress system uses a long time, the database will be a lot of redundant data regularly Wordpress database optimization and cleanup, Wordpress can guarantee fast work.

  First, disable some useless plugins, WordPress system table data tables outside are removed, leaving only wp_posts, wp_comments, wp_terms, wp_term_relationships, wp_term_taxonomy and other system data tables.

  Secondly, open phpMyadmin, redundant data via SQL statement delete operation. Remember to backup before deleting it.

  Delete the script is:

  DELETE FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = 'revision';

  DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_edit_lock';

  DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key = '_edit_last';

  Finally, in phpMyAdmin, select all tables, click "optimize table."

  After this some optimize operations, it can be WordPress database delete redundant data to optimize the performance of the database.


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